The non-dealer begins the round called the "Play" by taking a card from his hand, placing it face up in front of him and announcing its value. The dealer will then lay a card down in turn and announce the total of the value of the two cards. Play continues to alternate between the two players, until one of them cannot place a card down without exceeding the sum of 31. The last player that can play a card will peg one for "Go". If the last player is able to make the sum exactly 31, then he will peg two instead.
After one player has scored for Go or for 31, the process repeats starting with the other player placing down one of the remaining cards from his hand and announcing the value of that card. The play continues until all four cards have been played from each player's hand.
At all times, a player must play if he can. After one player cannot play, the other must continue to play until he also cannot play without exceeding 31.
There are other means of scoring points during the play based on the combination of cards played in this round of the play. A combination does not score if interrupted by a Go.